Simon Goritschnig, 2024





Wild Spots
Enforesting Ourselves in the Urban World
Exhibition opening: Friday, 07.06.2024, 18:00-24:00
Opening ceremony: 20:00
Location: < rotor >, Volksgartenstraße 6a, Graz

Participating artists:
Francesca Aldegani • Kateryna Aliinyk • Nayari Castillo • Forest Encounters (Nayari Castillo, Dušica Dražić, Polonca Lovšin) • Anita Fuchs • Lena Gätjens & Christina Helena Romirer • Simon Goritschnig • Christoph Grill • Kitti Gosztola & Bence György Pálinkás • GUKUBI MATO • Markus Hiesleitner • ILA • Isa Klee • Marianne Lang • Consuelo Méndez • Clara Oppel • Gernot Passath & Miro Schober • Nicole Pruckermayr • Coline Robin • Marina Stiegler • Helene Thümmel

Curated by: Margarethe Makovec

Photos from the opening on 07. June 2024


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The exhibition traces the natural in the urban and follows the trails of vitality and wilderness. The latter is not limited to the “official wilderness areas”,
writes Gary Snyder, but can rather be found everywhere; it surrounds us. And Baptiste Morizot speaks of ‘enforesting ourselves’ to cultivate “a new kind of relationship with living territories”.

The artists link their works in the exhibition space with specific locations in Graz and visualise stories from and in the
‘wild sites’. They follow birds, foxes, bats, worms, neophytes, wild herbs, seeds, etc., which move at different speeds and are at home in different spheres of the city.

This exhibition features a mapping of The Green Belt in Graz, a superordinate network project that connects green, natural, vital, wild places and their inhabitants—from the Leechwald forest to the Plabutsch mountain, right across the city of Graz. Several art and cultural institutions based along this wide ribbon and other partners invite you to join a meandering search for trails, a leisurely stroll, a wild transition.

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Duration: 22.-23.03. + 02.04.-18.05.2024
Opening hours:
MO–FR 10:00–18:00, SA 12:00–16:00
Closed on Sundays and public holidays

Dialogic tours
through the exhibition for school classes and
other groups by prior appointment:, 0316/ 688306

Admission free!

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Wild Spots is part of the project Art Space Unlimited co-funded by the European Union
